The Northern Chautauqua Soccer Association (NCSA) is excited for the upcoming soccer year, and we need YOUR help! NCSA is looking for highly motivated individuals who want to serve our soccer community on the Executive Board. Soccer background or prior experience is not necessary. We value new opinions and ideas for advancement. The success of NCSA is dependent on the commitment of its board members.
NCSA will be holding elections for President, Secretary, and one At-Large position on
November 5th, 2018, at 6:30 PM at Fredonia University, Fenton Hall, Room 127
Specific Duties of each position:
President. The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Association. The President shall preside at all Board meetings, appoint chairs/director to all committees and focus groups of the Association, and oversee the daily operation and running of the Association.
Secretary. The Secretary shall record the minutes of all meetings, keep records of those present, and supervise correspondence. He/she shall be responsible for past minutes and submit copies of the minutes of all Board meetings to the Board members before the next meeting. Board minutes will be available to members of the Association, after being accepted by the Board. Minutes of membership meetings will be made available to and approved by the membership. All minutes and changes must be dated and housed permanently. The Secretary shall be responsible for the distribution of team rosters and player passes, and may, at his/her own discretion, appoint an assistant, which shall be a non-board position. The Secretary shall maintain a copy of current Bylaws and Robert’s Rules of Order at all meetings.
At-Large. An At-Large board member serves the board's strategic needs as determined by the president at any given time. Members-at-large may have various responsibilities and projects – short or long-term – during their elected two-year term. A member-at-large is a full voting member of the Executive Board.
Attendance is required at monthly meetings. Any member of the Board who is absent from three consecutive meetings without justifiable excuse may be removed from the Board.
Please email with your interest. Questions can be directed to any member of the current board at